For my entire life, as long as I can remember, I’ve loved art — in all forms. I’ve also

My growing portfolio of teeny tiny oil paintings
been a participant in creating artistic works — this includes performances, poetry, a little bit of singing, books, drawing and painting. This year in 2017, I’ve picked up my paint brushes and oil paints again, after a long, long absence from this pursuit, and turned my attention to painting.
My young son often asks me, “mommy, why do you paint?” and to be honest, I am not sure I have an answer for him. Lately, I’ve just been compelled to do it. I think, in this digital age, I really enjoy getting off of my smartphone, turning off the TV, and focusing on a task for a few hours without distraction. I really enjoy painting, and, unlike previous attempts, this time around, I am trying to improve on my efforts.
While some of my paintings are terrible — I mean really bad! — I am pleased with some of my results, and I, and my friends tell me, that I’m really improving. I’ve taken only two classes in oil painting in my life — the first being at the Art Students League in New York City, back in the 1980s. Secondly, I attended a class in November 2016 at the Working Men’s College in London’s Camden Town. That’s it. I am a self-taught amateur artist.
What appeals to me is bright colours, the works of impressionists and contemporary artists. Whenever I visit a museum, I return home and immediately want to start painting. Recently, I visited a David Hockney exhibition at the Tate Britain museum here in London. It was so colourful! So talented! And so vast! I was amazed at the collection of work, and the large size of his pieces, that he has amassed over a lifetime — and particularly liked his landscapes.
So what does painting hold for me? I am hoping to attempt new styles and take on new challenges — including doing some plein air painting this summer. I am also developing a collection of teeny tiny and small size oil paintings that I hope to sell in a local market, to raise money for a Hackney charity.
I hope you enjoy checking out my paintings — and please stay tuned for where this creative adventure may lead for me.